durability and permanence

Container Benches

Container benches in a greenhouse are raised platforms that hold plants in containers and are designed to move along rails for easy repositioning.

These benches can be adjusted or moved automatically, often through computer automation, allowing growers to optimize space, light distribution, and airflow.

The system can bring plants directly from the growing area to the working area, making it easier to access and maintain crops without the need for excessive manual labor. Elevating plants off the ground also promotes better drainage, air circulation, and reduces physical strain on workers.

The automated movement of the benches helps create a denser plant canopy, maximizing growing space and improving crop yields. This combination of mobility and automation enhances efficiency, reduces labor, and improves overall growing conditions.


glide effortlessly on rollers

Rolling Benches

Rolling benches in a greenhouse are raised platforms that roll left to right that eliminate the need for multiple walkways. By elevating plants off the ground, they reduce labor by making it easier to access plants, while also promoting better drainage and air circulation. The rolling benches help create a denser plant canopy, maximizing growing space and improving crop yields. This reduces labor, increases efficiency, and enhances growing conditions.

durability and permanence

Automated Hanging Basket System

Automated hanging basket systems in greenhouses are innovative setups that suspend plants from the trusses, allowing for vertical space optimization.

These systems can automatically move plants from the growing area to the working area for easy maintenance and harvesting.

Additionally, they feature automated irrigation, ensuring efficient and consistent watering. By utilizing vertical space, these systems increase plant canopy density, promote healthier growth, and boost yields. The ability to grow plants on multiple levels maximizes space and productivity, making it a highly efficient solution for greenhouse operations.


reliable, cutting-edge solutions